At, we want to make sure that your online shopping experience is great in terms of quality, price and delivery. We have partnered with the best shipping companies in India to ensure that your product reaches you on time and in the best conditions. Here are the key terms and conditions with regards to our Shipping Policy:

Delivery Timelines :

In general our products are shipped within the range of 4 to 7 working days.

We aim to dispatch orders within the shortest time of you placing your order. We do our best to get your orders to you as soon as possible. However, during the peak months of festivals timescales do run a little longer.

What happens if an item is out of stock?

xWe will send you an email giving you a forecast delivery date. If long delays are anticipated, you will have an option to wait until the item is back in stock or cancel and receive a refund.

If you have a query that is not covered here, please write to us at or call our customer care helpline.